Bluebus has made a solid choice with LMP® batteries
The Bluebus are equipped with ‘All-solid-state batteries”, a unique technology produced by Blue Solutions, a Bolloré Group subsidiary.
The design of the LMP® technology developed by Blue Solutions is a world first: an entirely solid-state cell without any liquid components, no nickel or cobalt, and a lithium metal electrode - the most advanced and promising material in high-energy battery technologies.
These batteries are adapted to the operating requirements of vehicles dedicated to urban and suburban transport.
A ground-breaking Company, Blue Solutions designs and manufactures batteries based on its innovative all-solid technology, the result of an ambitious research and development program that began 30 years ago.
Leader in the development of electric mobility and electricity storage solutions, Blue Solutions is committed to the energy transition and the fight against climate change.
The many advantages of "All-solid-state" technology batteries:
HIGH ENERGY DENSITYThanks to expertise in lithium-metal technology
ENHANCED SAFETYNo thermal runaway
EASY INTEGRATION AND MAINTENANCEPlug and Play, no need for a cooling system. Night charging at depot, easy to swap.
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLYLMP® batteries are highly recyclable and do not use sensitive or controversial materials such as nickel and cobalt.
EXTREME WEATHER-PROOA very wide operating temperature range: from -30°C to +65°C, the outside temperature has a very limited impact on the battery's performance.
LONG-TERM GUARANTEESLMP® batteries carry a long-term guarantee with no temperature or SOC provisions.